Creating an Onboarding Checklist for New Hires

A well-designed onboarding checklist not only helps new employees become acclimated to their role and the company culture, but it also sets them up for success.
Joey Alfano
Joey Alfano
August 24, 2023
onboarding checklist for new hires creative

As a people manager or HR professional, you understand the importance of a good onboarding program. A well-designed onboarding program not only helps new employees become acclimated to their role and the company culture, but it also sets them up for success. One crucial component of a successful onboarding program is a comprehensive onboarding checklist.

Creating an onboarding checklist may seem daunting, but fear not! In this article, we will provide you with the essential information you need to create a successful onboarding checklist for your next new hire. We will discuss who you should work with to create the checklist, the best ways to ensure the checklist is utilized, and provide you with a an onboarding checklist template and resources to help you get started.

Who Should You Work With To Create the Checklist?

Before you start creating the onboarding checklist, you need to identify who should be involved in the process. We recommend involving both the new hire’s direct manager and HR professionals. By working closely with the manager, you can ensure that the new hire’s onboarding program is tailored to the specific role and needs of the employee. HR professionals can assist with compliance-related activities, such as employment forms and orientation materials.

In most cases, it makes sense to split the checklist into at least company onboarding requirements and team/role onboarding requirements.

What Should You Include in the Onboarding Checklist?

The onboarding checklist should include all of the necessary tasks and activities that the new hire needs to complete within their first few weeks at the company. This may include orientation, training, team introductions, and paperwork. Consider including tasks that will ensure the new hire is set up for success, such as goal setting, a workplace tour, and access to essential tools and resources.

Here are some questions you should ask yourself when developing an onboarding checklist:

  1. What is the first impression we want to give to our new hires?
  2. What legal and compliance requirements must be met during the onboarding process?
  3. What are the role-specific tasks and expectations the new hire should be aware of?
  4. What software, tools, or systems will they need to be trained on?
  5. Who will the new hire be working closely with, and how can we facilitate early introductions?
  6. What are the company-wide policies, practices, and values that the new hire needs to understand?
  7. What specific goals should be set for the new hire in their first week, month, and quarter?
  8. How will we measure the success of our onboarding process?
  9. How can we make the onboarding process interactive and engaging, rather than just informational?
  10. When and how should the new hire receive feedback on their early performance?
  11. What resources and support systems are available for the new hire?
  12. How will we ensure the new hire understands the company's culture and values?
  13. What are the key meetings or events they should attend in their first few weeks?
  14. What benefits and perks should be highlighted during the onboarding process?
  15. How can we ensure the new hire feels welcomed and included from the start?
  16. Who will mentor or guide the new hire during their initial period?
  17. Should there be a phased approach to the new hire's responsibilities?
  18. What are the safety and security protocols they need to be aware of?
  19. How can we make the onboarding process personalized for each new hire?
  20. How will we gather feedback from the new hire about their onboarding experience?

Now that you've likely come up with a long list, organize it and narrow it to the most important and essential items for tracking. An onboarding checklist is not meant to be a comprehensive set of everything an employee will accomplish, just the things that are most important to accomplish or the most likely to be forgotten without tracking.

How Do You Ensure the Onboarding Checklist Is Utilized?

Creating an onboarding checklist is only half the battle. The other half is ensuring it is utilized.

Make sure the checklist is easily accessible and visible. For instance, you can provide a printed copy of the checklist to the employee and post a digital copy on the company’s intranet or shared documents. You can also schedule regular check-ins with new employees and hiring managers to ensure both the checklist is being followed and the employee feels supported.

Example Onboarding Checklist for a Software Developer

Here's a sample onboarding checklist for a Software Developer, that covers the most essential activities they should complete in their initial weeks at the company.

Remember, an onboarding checklist should be tailored to the specific role and company, so feel free to adapt this template to best suit your needs.

Week 1: Orientation and Compliance

  • [ ] Meet the team and tour the office
  • [ ] Complete necessary HR and legal paperwork
  • [ ] Understand company culture and values
  • [ ] Attend company-wide orientation
  • [ ] Review company policies and procedures
  • [ ] Sign up for benefits and services

Week 1-2: Role-Specific Training

  • [ ] Meet with manager to understand role expectations and goals
  • [ ] Introduction to development environment and tools
  • [ ] Training on company's coding practices and standards
  • [ ] Code repository and version control system training
  • [ ] Attend team-specific meetings
  • [ ] Begin working on small, manageable tasks

Week 3-4: Integration and Feedback

  • [ ] Complete first project or task
  • [ ] Receive feedback from manager and peers
  • [ ] Introduction to ongoing projects
  • [ ] Attend relevant software development trainings
  • [ ] Review safety and security protocols specific to role
  • [ ] Check-in with HR for any unresolved queries

First Month: Review and Future Planning

  • [ ] One-on-one with manager to review first month's performance
  • [ ] Set expectations for the next quarter
  • [ ] Feedback on the onboarding process

Please note, this checklist is not exhaustive. It's important to monitor the new hire's progress, provide support where necessary, and continually refine your onboarding process based on feedback.

Creating an internal template for your onboarding checklist can save you time and ensure that all essential tasks are included. You can also customize the items above to fit the specific needs of the role and company.

In Conclusion

Creating an onboarding checklist may seem daunting, but with the right resources and information, it can be a seamless process. By involving key stakeholders, creating a comprehensive checklist, and ensuring the checklist is utilized, you can set your new hire up for success. Using our downloadable onboarding checklist template, you can quickly implement an effective onboarding program for future new hires. An effective onboarding program benefits both the employee and the company in the long run, so take the necessary steps to ensure that your company has a successful program in place.

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