Example Weekly Check-In Questions

As a people manager, it is best to check-in regularly with your employees. Here are some example questions that might spur new or interesting conversation.
Joey Alfano
Joey Alfano
June 14, 2023
weekly check-in questions

As a people manager, it is essential to check-in with your employees on a regular basis. This check-in process can provide valuable insight into the state of morale and engagement within the workplace. It can help you discover blockers, understand ways of working, and ensure you're supporting your employees in the best way possible.

Leading with the same question at every check-in can lead to fatigue and rote answers. Coming with new, refreshed questions can get an employee thinking. It can be a valuable tool in getting new or novel insights from the team.

But what questions should you ask during these weekly check-ins? To help guide your conversations, here are some example questions that might spur new or interesting conversation:

1) Since our last check-in, what are the accomplishments that you feel most proud of?

2) What challenges are you currently facing, and how can I support you?

3) Are there any projects or tasks where you would like additional guidance or feedback?

4) What new skills or knowledge have you acquired recently?

5) How have you been able to apply your key strengths in your work recently?

6) Are there any areas where you feel you need further development or training?

7) Is there anything about your current role or responsibilities that you find particularly fun?

8) Are there any roadblocks or obstacles preventing you from achieving your goals?

9) What suggestions do you have for improving our team's collaboration or communication?

10) What strategies have you found effective for managing your time and prioritizing tasks?

11) Are there any new initiatives or ideas you would like to explore within your role?

12) How do you feel your work contributes to the overall success of the organization?

13) What aspects of your work or the work environment energize you the most?

14) How do you prefer to receive recognition and feedback on your work?

15) Are there any skills or areas of expertise you would like to develop further?

16) How can we better promote diversity and inclusion within our team and organization?

17) Is there anything we can do to enhance your professional growth and learning opportunities?

18) How can we improve the onboarding process for new team members?

19) What support or resources do you need to excel in your role?

20) How can we foster a more innovative and creative work environment?

21) Are there any company policies or procedures that you feel could be improved or updated?

22) What opportunities do you see for improving our customer/client satisfaction?

23) Are there any new technologies or tools you believe could enhance our team's productivity?

24) How can we enhance team morale and motivation?

25) Are there any recent achievements from your colleagues that you would like to recognize?

26) How do you feel about the level of autonomy you have in your role?

27) Are there training or development programs you're hoping to participate in?

28) How can we foster more open and transparent communication within the team?

29) Are there any specific metrics or key performance indicators you would like to track?

30) How do you feel about the feedback and recognition you have been receiving?

31) What steps can we take to improve our team's work processes or efficiency?

32) How can we ensure that our team is continuously learning and adapting to industry changes?

33) Are there any potential areas for collaboration with other teams that we're missing?

34) How can we promote a culture of continuous improvement within our team?

35) How do you feel about the level of challenge and growth opportunities in your current role?

36) Are there any upcoming industry trends or developments that we should be aware of?

37) How can we foster a more inclusive decision-making process within the team?

38) What steps can we take to ensure effective knowledge sharing and transfer within the team?

39) Are there any recent success stories or positive customer feedback you would like to share?

40) What steps can we take to improve the feedback process or tools within our team?

41) How can we enhance the employee onboarding experience for new hires?

42) Are there any opportunities for cross-training or job rotation that you would like to explore?

Shaping check-in conversations is more art than science. It requires you to be adaptable to different personality types, show great listening skills, and identify solutions to problems. Finding the information you need to be successful as a manager can start with one good question.

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