How to Avoid Surprises During Performance Appraisals

Performance appraisals can be a cause of great anxiety for most. It doesn't have to be this way. Be consistently proactive and take away surprise from reviews.
Joey Alfano
Joey Alfano
July 18, 2023
what can an employee do to avoid surprises during a performance appraisal creative

Performance appraisals can be a cause of great anxiety for employees. It's that time of the year when you sit down with your manager to discuss your performance, and it can be nerve-wracking wondering if you've done enough to secure a good review. It doesn't have to be this way.

By taking a proactive approach, you can get ahead of the curve and be confident that your performance appraisal will be a fair representation of your work. In this post, we'll explore what you can do to avoid surprises during performance appraisals, and we'll also discuss some questions that you can ask your manager to ensure that you're on the right track.

Start with Clear Goals and Objectives

The first step towards avoiding surprises during performance appraisals is to be clear on your own goals and objectives. Sometimes, these are clear from the get-go and your management is on the same page.... but often not. Make sure you have a clear picture of not only what you need to accomplish and how you'll be measured. This is particularly important if you work in a larger organization where performance appraisals are tied to bonuses and promotions. You should set both short-term and long-term goals with your manager if it's not already part of a formal process. Make sure they're aligned with your company's goals and objectives.

Check-In Regularly

Another way to avoid surprises during performance appraisals is to have regular check-ins with your manager. Check-ins can be a very valuable employee feedback tool. They will give you a chance to discuss your progress towards your goals and get feedback on your performance. You don't have to wait until your scheduled performance appraisal to do this – you can schedule regular one-on-one meetings with your manager or ask for feedback after completing a major project. If it is impossible or infeasible to do regular check-ins, gather feedback asynchronously. Find a way to get a sense of where you stand on a regular basis.

Ask for Feedback

People like to think they are open to feedback, but being open is simply not enough. You have to ask for feedback if you really want feedback. Don't wait for someone, especially your manager, to proactively offer it up.

One of the best ways to ensure you're on the right track is to ask for feedback. Don't be afraid to ask your manager specifically for constructive criticism. This will show that you're committed to improving and open to feedback. You can ask questions like "What do you think I could improve on?" or "Are there any areas where I've excelled?" Getting this kind of feedback on a regular basis will help you fine-tune your approach and avoid surprises during your performance appraisal.

Prepare for Your Performance Appraisal

When you've accomplished something, make sure to keep an ongoing list. Recency bias, especially around a performance appraisal, can be severe. Keeping a running list will help you in preparation.

You should prepare the necessary information in advance. Review your goals and objectives, and come prepared with examples of your work that demonstrate your accomplishments and contributions to the company. This will help you make a case for yourself and showcase your achievements.

The combination of this preparation combine with and a regular cadence of check-in and feedback ultimately prepare you and remove the anxiety from the conversation.

Be Proactive with Colleagues

Finally, to get ahead of surprises during performance appraisals, you should be proactive in your approach to your work with teammates and colleagues. This means taking the initiative to learn new skills and take on new challenges. The people you work closely with will be the best source and reflection of your key strengths and weaknesses. It's often easier for a colleague to be honest and direct during the flow of work. Leverage that as an opportunity to learn more about yourself. By going above and beyond what's expected of you in the mind of your colleagues, you'll be positioning yourself for a positive performance appraisal and setting yourself up for success in your career.

In Conclusion

Performance appraisals can be stressful, but they don't have to be. By taking a proactive approach, setting goals and objectives, having regular check-ins with your manager, asking for feedback, preparing for your performance appraisal, and being proactive in your approach to your work, you can avoid surprises and ensure that your performance appraisal is a fair representation of your work. Don't wait until the last minute – start taking steps today to get ahead of your performance appraisal and take control of your career.

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